Single-Leg Lateral Hops

Single-Leg Lateral Hops is a plyometric exercise that builds explosiveness, balance and strength in the lower body. The exercise specifically targets the glutes, quadriceps and calves, while improving lateral movement, which is important for athletes who play sports that require fast movements.

Correct Form and Technique

How to perform Single-Leg Lateral Hops with good technique:

  1. Starting position: Stand on one leg with knees slightly bent, and core activated for balance.
  2. Jump: Jump sideways to the right, land on your right foot, and immediately jump back to your left foot. Keep your body upright and avoid falling forward.
  3. Control: Ensure a controlled movement and maintain balance throughout the exercise.
  4. Breathing: Breathe evenly and control your breathing to maintain intensity.

Common Errors

Avoid these common mistakes to ensure proper technique:

  • Lack of balance: Be sure to land stably before jumping back to avoid injury and ensure good technique.
  • For fast jumps: Start at a moderate pace to ensure control over the movements.
  • Poor core stabilization: Keep your core tight to avoid swaying or losing your balance.

Modifications and Variants

Adjust the intensity of Single-Leg Lateral Hops with these variations:

  • Beginner level: Start with small jumps and focus on balance before increasing the distance between jumps.
  • Advanced level: Increase your jump distance or use a resistance band around your ankles for an extra challenge.

Repetitions and Sets

Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions on each side. The exercise works well as part of a HIIT session or in general lower body strength training.

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