Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps

Bulgarian split squat jumps are an advanced plyometric exercise that combines the strength of a classic Bulgarian split squat with explosive power from jumps. The exercise focuses on building power and strength in the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves, while improving balance and stability. This exercise is especially useful for athletes who want to increase their vertical jump and explosiveness.

Correct form and technique

How to perform Bulgarian split squat jumps correctly:

  1. Stand a few steps in front of a bench or riser and place one foot on the bench behind you with the top of the foot resting on the surface.
  2. Bend the front knee and lower the body into a split squat, while making sure that the knee of the front leg does not go past the toes.
  3. Explosively press through the front foot and jump off the ground, while keeping the body straight and stable.
  4. Land softly on the same leg and lower yourself back down to the starting position in a controlled manner before repeating the movement.

Make sure to maintain good technique throughout the movement, focusing on control and stability to avoid injury.

Common errors

Here are some common mistakes to avoid while performing Bulgarian split squat jumps:

  • Unstable hips: Keep the core engaged to avoid rotation or the hips sinking during the jump.
  • Too slow tempo: The exercise requires explosiveness, so focus on fast and powerful jumps instead of slow movements.
  • Unbalanced Landing: Be sure to land softly with control to protect your knees and joints.

Modifications and variations

Adapt the exercise to your fitness level:

  • Beginners: Perform regular Bulgarian split squats without jumping to build strength and balance.
  • Advanced: Add weight using dumbbells or a weighted vest to increase the intensity and challenge.

Number of repetitions and sets

Perform 3-6 explosive repetitions on each side for 3-4 sets , with 60 seconds of rest between sets. Be sure to maintain high quality on each repetition, without training to full exhaustion, to maximize explosiveness.

Breathing technique

Inhale as you lower into the squat, and exhale explosively as you jump up. This helps maintain control and stability throughout the movement.

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